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tv   Governor Bobby Jindal R-LA Remarks at the National Press Club  CSPAN  September 13, 2015 12:00am-1:01am EDT

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done. we passed the riff ra act. my second term in anticipation ahead of the supreme court's actual ruling in the marriage case --aged i said this in the presidential debates. my goal wab to i would hope you would not need that. i would hope our first amendment rights would be enough. unfortunately they are not being protected. that would allow individuals across america to live according to their sincerely held religious beliefs. when hillary clinton and the left say you have the right to religious freedom, all they mean is a couple hours a week in church. it is a foundational right for country since our founding. the left is trying to take god out of the public square. square. that is not what the founding fathers intended.
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>> and next week's debate in california, you're asked about your policy on sanctuary cities. what about your approach? do knowledge research that immigrants commit crimes? i know congress was to deep on sanctuary cities. i think it's great. i think we should go further. i think they should be held responsible and accessories to the crimes committed by those. you have them intentionally breaking laws, they should be criminally liable. you wouldn't have sanctuary cities anymore. they think they don't need to read the constitution viewed the president thinks he could choose which laws to enforce. we need to go back where people
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understand that we are a nation of laws. we should follow the laws. we should make them terminal -- criminally liable. are they willing to go and talk to the victims that have been impacted ids crimes? -- impacted by these crimes. the folks shouldn't be here the first place. if you don't like the law, change the law. you can't just pick and choose which one to enforce. >> for the once want to be americans, how is american defined? who makes the definition? >> smart immigration policies to make our country stronger and not weaker. you want to be an american.
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when african or asian americans. we are all americans. americans, we shouldn't allow them to be here in the first place. why wouldn't we take those that want to be here? they cannot undermine freedoms for others. they should learn english and adopt our values. they should roll up their sleeves and get to work. there's nothing wrong with being -- my parents came here legally and to become americans. the rally is they come here because they wanted their children to be american. they didn't -- if they wanted that, they would have stayed home. if we let folks in that make our country stronger not weaker, we do that by saying come here legally and a dock our values. roll up your sleeves. get to work.
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>> about the term anchor babies, what do you think about that term? >> i think folks are too politically sensitive. hillary clinton was offended that the term anchor baby because she won't use the term baby to describe what is going on at planned parenthood clinics. it is important to secure the border. what about changing the policies of the law for those who are coming here legally? i have no problem with that. i have a problem with those were coming illegally. to remove theps incentive for people to come here illegally. let's start by securing the border. we don't need a 1000 page bill. you could get it done in six months if you are serious about it. you could stack it up at the
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border. >> a follow-up question on trump. what is the biggest policy desired agreement? >> he doesn't believe in anything. interview, he will change positions. donald trump is for donald trump. bobby jindal is for the united states. i'm for making americans great again. i'm for getting us off the path of -- donald trump is for donald trump. he is for making donald trump great. he has a great slogan. the difference between us is and about my conservative circles and fighting to save our country . donald trump is for donald trump.
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trump took the pledge. if he is a nominee, would you support him as a republican nominee? or consider endorsing a third-party candidate? >> i want to avoid the hypothetical. secondly, if he were to somehow miraculously win and somehow gets elected, we have no idea what he would do. we have no idea what he stands for. he has no ideology other than trump. he cannot be our next president. meessage -- somebody asked is this about the d.c. establishment? absolutely not.
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will we depend on our proven principles? a narcissistic ego mania and unstable unserious man. great entertainment value. what makes them dangerous is it could blow this opportunity that we have for the rest of our country. >> to comment on the iran nuclear deal, should funding be withheld to implement that if the results -- >> this is an awful deal. there is an act occurred for you
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. this bad deal. they cite is very bad bill. now it takes a two thirds vote. only one senator had the courage to stand up. good for him. not many stood up against this that built. president obama can't republicans. everyone else takes advantage of them. others walked all over them. an easy mark for iran and russia and putin. the only people he seems to outmaneuver our congressional
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republicans. you could others on the hill debating on whether they should -- there deciding whether they should get rid of a filibuster. a better time to using you put option than to prevent them from becoming a nuclear power. iran is a terrorist in becoming a nuclear power. that only does present obama negotiate with terrorists, he negotiates badly with the largest state sanctions sponsor of terrorism, iran. they need to stand up and do whatever it takes to kill this bad deal. it won't stop at iran, by the way. you'll see the sunni countries and saudis and we would be starting a new arms race thanks to this very bad policy. congress should do whatever it
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takes to stop iran from becoming a nuclear power. generals including -- support the deal. european allies are on board. does that acknowledged this deal really is a tough call? why are there so many prominently supporting it in they will be detrimental? agree with present obama for once to go back and remember what he said. he said this will involve iran giving up centrifuges and giving of enriched uranium and allowing inspections. we didn't get those things. totead they will get money support hamas and hezbollah. , this is a bad deal. folks can throw names all
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around. they understand how bad this deal is. let's judge this deal for ourselves. i think americans are smart enough to see through all the smoke and mirrors. they think we are weak and cannot negotiate a week deal so we have to take this because this is the best deal we can do. it is the best deal obama could have done. it is not the best deal america could have done. we have a lot of leverage. he could have done better with this deal. it is nonsense. i think they start off with that posture. no deal is better than a bad deal. it actually leads to a better
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deal. that issue is active on capitol hill right now. they're talking about defunding planned parenthood. should congress or speak -- proceed to a government shutdown to defund planned parenthood? sure taxpayermake dollars are not going to planned parenthood. there is barbaric video. we decided to show the videos over and over so they could see these images. you could see that barbaric language that is being used. they want to go after groups that made this video. in our time to watch the videos are go after planned parenthood. congress has the responsibility to fund government. they should defund planned
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parenthood. it republican party cannot , whatt an innocent life good is a republican? this is ridiculous. what is the point of having a majority of the house and the senate? they shouldn't shutdown the government to preserve funding for planned parenthood. . think that would be a mistake they need to fund other priorities. i don't think the president should choose to shut down the government over this issue. the better hope hillary clinton wins the next election. i will send the irs department to investigate them. we will send the department of justice and any other federal agents. what you are seeing in those videos is barbaric.
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even those that aren't pro-life, i hope they will be offended by what they see. i hope their consciences will be opened up by what they see on those videos. >> a portion of the planned parenthood funding, should that be allowed to go through? or should that be cut as well? they build for less than $300,000. healtht on reproductive and similar planning services for men and women. there are hundreds of other providers for men and women were patients can go in the state of louisiana. there are many across the country that are not using their resources or facilities for these barbaric acts. i think there's a smokescreen by the left. it is time to do for you. -- for planned parenthood -- it
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is time to defund planned parenthood. we can provide these services without funding and parenthood. there's no reason for them to get one more penny of our taxpayer dollars. another president didn't have time to watch these videos. he should make the time to watch these videos. he should make the time to investigate land parenthood. >> the world has been seeing the images of the refugee crisis in europe. it has been affecting so many people. ideas of what the u.s. taking in more refugees? if so, how many? what is the long-term solution? >> america's most compassionate country in the world. look at what we spend and what we do to care for those that need help. i'm proud that. we have got an established refugee program.
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we the reason why i say we shouldn't be taking more people in today is we shouldn't be short-circuiting the process to vet folks and making sure they're not coming in with dangers backgrounds. that is trying to put a band-aid on a serious problem. the reason we have this crisis today is you could draw a straight line back to this president failed policy. would when he said there be a redline line in syria? assad better not cross that line. he didn't follow it. many bad things happened. we saw sunni allies and turkey in others hesitate. their only now beginning to commit more resources. -- with a rush iran continue to prop up a side. today that effort intensified with more reported liveries of weapons.
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--sing the direct result deliveries of weapons. we are seeing the direct result of obama's leading from behind. is provocative to it is one reason isis has now grown and has gained so as territory in syria and iraq. you could draw a line back to our field policies. aside has to go. has to go. we need to destroy isis. we need to get the job done. the answer is simply not for america and our allies to continue to take more people. we need to solve the underlying problem.
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>> how many troops would you be willing to commit question my -- commit? be arming we need to and training the kurds directly today. i think we need to encourage our allies. i think that we need to go to the military commander to give it may or may not involve ground troops,. prepare for war is the best way. a stronger america detours are our enemies.ters they need to be able to establish the so-called -- --destroy their ability this president goes to the pentagon and since we will have to engage in a generational conflict to win over the hearts
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and minds. we won't win this conflict with guns. that is ludicrous. it and eisenhower had said that in world war ii, the french would be speaking german today. that is a ridiculous approach tiered these are evil barbarians. they are burning people live and raping. you cannot engage in and exchanging -- in a change of hearts and minds. we need a president with more on us to tell us about the enemy we faced. i know he doesn't like to use that term. he likes to apologize and criticize them. that is enemy we face. it sounds like -- >> is something you would be troops,to commit but we don't know how many. >> hunt them down before they attack us at home. the best answer is we will never take any option off the table.
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done moreresident has than any of the present i know is to tell the enemies but we won't do. i don't know why we would tell folks what we want to hear it what our military in a fair fight. i sent our military -- if i sent out our military -- he continues to send a few hundred more troops into the region. that is a mistake. tot is not what it takes wipe out isis. we need to defeat them once and for all. i think a lot of sunni countries that will help us in this fight against isis. many are hesitating. they worried that it will strengthen assad. has decreased the willingness of some of our allies to fully commit to this battle. much of yourpent time in iowa and new hampshire.
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what are your plans are strategies? your message and strategy be different in a more diverse state? we will be going back there next week. we will commit- it my message doesn't change. my message is the same for everyone i talk to. conservative principles are what i needed to get america back on track. i believe in limited government. shrink the economy. and the only candidate that has reduced government spending. a lot of people talk about it. and the only one that has reduced government spending. a bunch of senators who have never cut anything. they give great speeches and pat themselves on the back. that is not -- not enough to make them the next president of the united states. we need someone who will grow
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the american economy and get america back on the right path. >> what they you think of the black lives matter movement are smart as it made a positive or negative impact on discourse? >> i think it is amazing that an immigrant -- a candidate had to apologize. that things have happened. it is tragic and needs to be investigated. that is somebody's child. i don't care what color they are. it shouldn't be tolerated in our society. for every incident like that, we are to remember there are thousands of other incidents we don't see where our police or law enforcement are running towards danger to protect us. that doesn't get them the attention that they deserve. i have had enough of all of the division.
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we have been divided too much by .thnicity or race cards treating people by the cost -- treating people differently by the color of their skins is ridiculous. .e should do everything we can that is not to extend it for tolerated. we are all americans. we are all graded equaling god's eyes. equal in god's eyes. .> there was a congressman what is your take on the conservative frustrations with the gop capitol hill leaders? what is your message? i feel like i'm sentenced to three years. i agree with and understand
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their frustrations. the republicans get the house and the senate act. we had the house last year. what changed? we were told they would take on amnesty and get rid of obamacare. nothing happened. not giving up on the fight before even start on planned parenthood. at least they fight for what they believe in. they used every parliamentary trick in the book to ram lawmaker down our throats. i think they ignore the law. they fought like crazy for their believes, socialism. our fights -- our site fights -- i want us to see at least fight. the ruling class things they are better than us and don't have the followed same rules as us. i think the frustration is real. they're honest socialists and lying conservatives.
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they want to take more of your freedom and more of the economy. there is that they will do these things. i think they're very frustrated. they need to hear that message. a lot of these guys might be surprised if they are not careful. it is time to get some oaks that actually live under the same rules they want for the rest of us. we have got to shrink the economy and not slow the growth rate if we're going to grow the american economy. >> you mentioned obamacare. what do you think the realistic chances are that a gop president in congress really could repeal obama care? repulsivet something had to learn -- live with and adjust? >> we have to fight just as hard did.ey get --
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the people i spoke with a frustrated. it makes no sense to increase taxes and decrease access when it comes to high deductible entire networks. their interfering between doctors and their patients. makes no sense to spend money we don't. maybe the most important defect is that it produces patience freedoms. we don't need the government to tell us what kind of insurance to buy. we don't need them to tell us how we should be getting our health care. -- it has got 16 specific components. he was against the mandate in the election. now there's a second candidate has offered a plan.
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i want to commend walker for offering up a plan. and does grieve the plan that i disagree with the plan into areas. we cannot afford entitlement program we have today. as a government subsidizing every american's health care from birth to death as a way to get to universal coverage. he doesn't tell us how we're going to pay for that. spends the d.c. way to money without telling us where you will find that money. yes, it prompted me to fight and repeal obama care -- republicans need to fight and reveal that repeal obamacare -- repeal obamacare. asthis questioner says governor you have had trouble
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striking the budget deal in louisiana and have had plenty of struggle with legislators in your own party. how does that bode for how he would work with congress if elected as president? what's the reality is we have balance our budget eight years in a row without raising taxes. we had cut the budget 28 -- 26%. is -- ithink anyone think that is a great example of what we need to do in d.c. have always passed our budget before the end of the session. we have never done -- unlike d.c., we don't kick the can down the road. we said we would budget anything that has tax increases. folks are looking for people who will fight for our conservative principles. state forop 10 private-sector job creation.
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it is -- they are earning a higher income than ever before. shows that you could grow the american economy. in d.c., some republicans are not willing to fight. they want to go along to get along. >> we passed the ten-year anniversary of katrina. what has not gone right in their coverage in new orleans? what has gone wrong? >> first, the people of louisiana are resilient people. they got knocked into their knees, but didn't stay there. they got back up. it was hard. i want to thank the people. we are incredibly generous country. people from 49 states came to help pick be sent resources to
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church groups and civic groups. they don't wait for permission. they just rushed to help. i want to thank you for that. in terms of what is going right, .ook at new orleans education is stronger than it was before the storm. cohort graduation rates went from half to now three quarters. orleans, you have seen the percentage of kids in failing schools at over 60%. now it is at less than 10%. there has been traumatic progress. folks don't have to go to emergency rooms for routine care.
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the city is rebuilding housing. the economy has there's still work to be done in terms -- in particular communities and neighborhoods. there's still work to be done and we shouldn't be satisfied until everybody that has left comes back. when you look at the greater new orleans area, it's about 90% of the population is back and it's lower in the city itself. there's more work to be done. a lot of work has been done and i will say again, most important thing i want to say out of all that is to thank the people of this great country. this is a very, very generous country. even before there was government permission people ran to help and present their resources, and they're still doing that. >> do you support offshore drilling and do you worry about the effect it could have on seafood off shore?
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>> i do support offshore drilling. it would actually allow states to participate in royalty sharing. i think that is a smart way to give states the incentives and resources and to be partners in the development of our domestic energy resources. it's been great for our economy. more domestically produced energy means lower rates for consumers and businesses. it also means we can attract manufacturing jobs back to america from overseas. many jobs are coming in large part because of affordable energy. in terms of our seafood industry, we love did outsides. in louisiana we call ourselves sports mens paradise. it's our logo, if you will. the industry and thriving -- a thriving see food industry can an do co-exist in many ways.
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some of the best fishing is around the deep water plat foms. many charter people will tell you they take their customers out there. i don't think it's either-or. i think it's only the left that thinks you have to choose. it's only this president that thinks you have to choose. you can do it all and we are doing that in louisiana. >> governor, you have a minute to catch your breath. you've been answering questions nonstop. >> i appreciate you jumping up and down. you're getting your exercise, thank you. >> the national press club is the world' leading organization for journalists. we fight for a free press worldwide. go to our website at and to donate to our journalism institute go to the website i'd also like to remind you upcoming programs.
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that program will start at 9:00 a.m. and at lurching on monday, september 21, big 12 commissioner bob bulls by will discuss college athletics and jane chew chairman of the national enjoyment for the arts will discuss issues at a breakfast. i'd like to present to you. that's suitable for travel to, iowa, new hampshire. >> i'll use it well. good in inks taste ohio and new hampshire. if you did get elected, it is
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clear that you would not choose donnell trump as a running made. who would you choose? >> too often you hear folks say you got to look for balance or jol geography. nonsense. the most important is can this person do the job. on the first day, god forbid, if they're called in to do the job, are they up to the task? second, i'm look for somebody ho understands my conservative strengths. we need to grow the american economy, not the government economy. we need to secure the border. some of you understand we've got to repeal obamacare. we've got to make america great again. i'm borrowing the phrase. but we have to do that. for me, it's not about balance,
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not about electoral votes, geography or political considerations. it's is this person qualified and do they share my conservative beliefs. too often we win and then we don't govern the way we talk. this next president will be in the position to appoint supreme court justices, will be in a position to decide -- we see this opportunity to ress kai america, rescue the idea of america slipping away. my appeal to conservatives is let's rely on our tested conservative beliefs. let's not rely on a -- a narcissist who only believes in himself. this is a critical election, a critical moment for our country. let's not waste the opportunity the democrats have given us by betting on an entertaining narcissist. he's funny. we can watch him, we can laugh at him. but that's not the path to
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rescue our country. >> governor, thank you for being with us. >> i want to thank the national press club. it's great to be back here. thank you for hosting us and having us. >> i'd like to thank the journalism institute and broadcast center for organizing today's event. i want to remind you if you would like a copy of today's program or to learn more about the club, go to that website thank you very much. we are adjourned.
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now a discussion on the latest in the presidential this is abo. is back at our desk. he is politics editor at the national journal. he joins us for a discussion of all things 2016 election as we move into the fall campaign season. i want to begin with rick perry and his announcement last night that he is ending his president shall campaign. one of the headlines on this. and then, there were 16. surprised? guest: not that surprised. is story with his withdrawal a lesson that hard money still matters in essential politics. rick perry was not raising any money over the last couple of months. his campaign started to sputter. even though his super pac that had millions of dollars still in , hebank was up and running did not have enough money to hire staff, to travel to iowa, to new hampshire where he needed to go. he ran out of money -- when you run out of hard money in your
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campaign, you can survive no matter how much money from super pac's you get. rick perry's expectations were disconnected from the reality of the campaign. he started out as a candidate who couldn't reach the divide between the establishment and the tea powder -- tea party grassroots. he had an imposing resume to run on. this is an environment where people don't like politicians. they don't like people who have not been in office for that long. he overcomes the burden of 2012. everyone are members the moment at the debate. he was never able to get past that. host: who is your protection of who might be next to exit the race? guest: jim gilmore. when you get past junk in omar george pataki is the really big longshot.
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you have to look at rick santorum who won the iowa caucus last time. he is barely registering in all the polls that have been conducted in the state recently. santorum is also struggling with money. he has not that much to spend. he does not have a super pac of great proportions. i think santorum is someone to watch. there will only be four people in the early debate next week on cnn. get more airght time they would at 11:00 a.m. debate. guest: nobody has a carly fiorina moment. if they don't have one of moments where they do so well they don't get momentum from it, all of them will have to look at what their future campaigns will be. host: rand paul tweets this after rick perry's decision. what does it say about the gop with -- 183 and a half term governor with a successful thousand?leading jobs
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guest: it says that in the republican party, you have donald trump, ben carson, carly fiorina, people want outsiders. people do not want career politicians. they don't want people who have spent time in politics. rick perry, that is one of his calling cards. he was governor for one of the biggest state in the country. he was not able to use that argument of government explains to his advantage this time around. host: a tweet from the reality star and successful businessman donald trump leading in the polls, he says rick perry is a terrific guy and i wish him well. i know he will have a great future. withd trump is very active his twitter account. if you want to join the conversation about election 2016, we are talking just crush hour of the national journal -- we are talking with josh kraushaar. ,emocrats at 202-748-8000
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republicans at 202-748-8001, independent set 202-748-8002. hillary going to make certain announcement about big ideas, big policy ideas. how far away as hillary clinton today from that speech the months ago? guest: quite a bit. one thing we noted on the show is that his/her -- that was her second launch. during her additional campaign announcement, she did not move. normally when you get announcement, you get a little bit of move. not only did they not move up when she announced her campaign, they have not gone up since her glitzy announcement on rhode island. make no mistake, democrats are in your panic mode when they look at her numbers and how badly they have slipped. they are worried that if she does not turn things around, and the next month or two, that is
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one joe biden -- bernie sanders continues to receive momentum in both iowa and new hampshire. she is a lot more vulnerable than anyone had any reason to expect just a couple of months ago. what's pulls do you look at? there are so many polls out there saying different things on hillary clinton and bernie sanders. universityuinnipiac poll that says that bernie sanders at 40 12 clinton's 40. thinkay that people bernie sanders is more honest and caring. guest: and i will, they were the first bowl to show -- in iowa, they have the first bowl to show that bernie sanders ahead of hillary clinton. subsequently, there have been other polls that show bernie
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sanders in the lead and even closer to hillary clinton. sanders clearly has momentum. the controversy is that after controversy over the e-mail server not going away and causing great damage, democrats are large saying this is not an issue for a long time. they thought this was a media witchhunt against hillary clinton. we are starting to see in iowa and new hampshire slippage of her favorability among democrats. that is why he is making inroads here. we are taking all of your election 2016 questions. we will take a call from spring hill, florida, line for republicans. the money. -- good morning. caller: good morning, sir. i said torepeat what the individual who answered the phone. i started out in the political arena. i work for a democrat etc. straight out of college for a couple years. after the impeachment of mr.
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clinton, i went over toward the conservative side. i worked with them for about five years. by the end of it, i was so frustrated, so disgusted by the whole process that i ended up leaving the field. fact thatvote is the i don't vote anymore. i am so sick of the entire process. someone like trump who i would've never thought would be in the position he is in having such a high leave. then, hillary going down, jeb bush being in the civil digits, i think it speaks well of what the american people are seeing. they are frustrated. coming up from eight, i hate to say this, but an insider's point of view, it is mind blowing that somebody like dr. carson and donald trump are leading in the polls. i think it is reflective of what the united states, the people are sick of.
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when you have over 60% of the people not turning up to vote at a presidential election, that says a lot. what would bring you back to the polling booth? and other candidate that you are very worried about? caller: i never believed in term limits before. if there is someone who pushes term limits. that would actually impressed me a lot. to see a candidate that would shake things up. actually try to make a change and show the american people that change is possible. some way to stop the sense of apathy from the american voters. that is what would get me to come back. right now, this is the first time i will vote in a present election -- i will not -- because, if nothing else, i would go for donald trump.
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host: can you pick up on the frustration he was talking about, their? guest: the point about donald trump is his staying power. you look at the polls, a lot of arele like the caller against the washington establishment and the way politics has been played. the question is are these people going to caucus and iowa? in quitehas not voted some time. we'll donald trump supporters actually vote? when you look at the polls, some of his voters are less likely voters than other candidates. question is when you get to october and television ads go up and the campaign begins in earnest, will his support the inflated from the polls because of upset voters who don't like politics say they support don't trump, or does the action have staying power? 20% in october,
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you know he has real power to win these caucuses. the headline, my advice to donald trump to the issues. guest: this is the first time he is responding to trump attacking ben carson on his show. this is the first time i could see rush limbaugh criticized donald trump. he has been something of a neutral supporter of his. he has certainly defended him passively on his show. this is the first time rush limbaugh, the most inferential talk radio host threw a fastball to donald trump. i think that is are important. element of the republican party is what is feeling a lot of his support. as much think our as he has had, he can't afford to be fighting the republican party. if you're getting attacked by jeb bush, carly fiorina, ben
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carson, that is not sustainable. i think it is the first time you may see his support may have peaked. host: among those you left out on the list of people attacking trump are bobby jindal. here is a bit from his recent statement this thursday morning at the national press conference. >> the idea of the donald trump act is great. the reality of donald trump, however, is absurd. he is nonserious, a carnival act. here is the truth about don't tell. donald trump is shallow. -- truth about donald trump. he has no substance. he lacks the intellectual curiosity. you can't argue policy with this guy. the only thing that donald trump believes and is himself. he tells us that his health care plan will be fabius. he tells us his tax plan will be really terrific. he is shallow, there is no
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substance. he does not know anything about policy, he doesn't know anything he is talking about. he makes up on the fly. he does not believe in limited government. he, over and over from his believe in socialized medicine for his desire for tax increases. he has told us over and over that he has no problem with big, top-down solid government. the only problem he has with d.c. today -- he has no problem with big, top-down government. the only problem is he's not the one running it. donald trump is not against big government. he is just against the folks that happen to be running it. donald trump is for donald trump. he believes in nothing other than himself. he is not a liberal, he is not a moderate, he is not a conservative. he is not a democrat, he is not a republican. he is not an independent. donald trump is for donald trump. he is not for or against anything. issues don't mean anything to him. policies, ideals, they are not important to him. he is for donald.
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donald trump is a narcissist and an egomaniac. tough words from bobby jindal. guest: it is a no lose situation for bobby jindal who is struggling in the polls. best way to get any attention these days and the world of republican politics is to go after donald trump. it was a substantive or teak, -- critique, one that makes the case that don't trump will not affect change. , we have seens republican candidates to the c4, rick perry had a very meaty critique of donald trump months ago and did not do any good for his campaign. he continued to rise in the poll. i'm skeptical that bobby jindal will be the guy that takes donald trump down. i think if anything, it may raise his visibility in the polls. from twitter, bobby jindal , so original. pennsylvania, line for
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democrats. donald trump is never allowed to go to vegas and open a casino because of his ties to the mob. david k johnson wrote this recently. you can read the article. it talks about his ties to the mob and his use of illegal aliens in his buildings. you can read the article, you can still self-described, he is basically a lackey for the mob. host: let's let josh kraushaar respond. i have not read the story. the point that he does not have court principles. doesn'ter mentioned he
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have a hard line. that is what bobby jindal was getting at in his speech. he is saying whatever historically relevant at the moment. he is. on every issue -- he has flip-flopped on every issue. the reason i am skeptical is that that line of opposition will work is that people know about it. it has been about there. his numbers keep on rising. i think the most effective line of attack for republicans to use against donald trump is the fact that he is like a politician. he is actually running the campaign and acting like a candidate, i think you will look more political. withwill be the avenue which republicans will get more traction. host: tennessee, line for independence. go ahead. caller: thank you for the show. concern, i think, is about bernie sanders. i am a bernie sanders supported.
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a lot of people in the media discounted him from the get-go. it is amazing to see how much she has surged and how much momentum he has. how he is one of the only candidates that comes some of the issues and just hammers on those issues that he talks about. that are actually relevant to what is going on in america today. candidates areer really on the issues. what the media seems to discount is the fact that people are concerned about issues. that is why they back in. not because they are anti-hillary. , butnot really for hillary only because of her stances on the issues. they don't jive with me. bernie sanders will begin phenomenon of the fall. the question is does he have staying power the on iowa and new hampshire?
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the first question will he win the caucus in iowa and new hampshire? the polling shows it is possible. hillary clinton has not had a good couple months. bernie sanders is ahead of her in some states. the best case scenario for bernie sanders is staying power. can he win more diverse states data when you go to south where republicans make up a majority of the electorate, kenny appeal to those orders. -- voters. i am skeptical. i think it bernie sanders wins iowa and new hampshire, they better be hoping joe biden is in the race. i think it is more likely the establishment support would move to him if he is a candidate. maybe even martin o'malley. i think that is a longer shot. if joe barton johnson the race as a backup quarterback. it bernie sanders does well, party leaders will start to get nervous. biden will be more of a likely
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recipient of that support. host: hillary rodham clinton did not want to apologize. she relented in an interview with abc news. she added, i am sorry about that. a few tweets. we are having this discussion. what turns people off is the political machine. most media participants are part of this machine. chris says don't have is a reality tv star. people are misinterpreting his entertainment value as electoral appeal. you can join the conversation at cspanwj. ron, line for republicans, you're on with josh kraushaar. caller: thank you for taking my call. i have a few comments. at one time, i supported hillary. i sent money to her. she lost the run.
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for time, i ended up voting obama. that was a big mistake because he has been such a divider between different classes and people. what i wanted to get back was the comment hillary clinton, she is always a bit ahead of bernie sanders when they take these bowls. look at biden. biden is not running. -- when they take these polls. it makes hillary look a little bit better than bernie sanders. they pushed biden out of there. they took the survey. maybe hillary would be behind sanders. that makes her look better. you are calling on a line for republicans. are you actually democrat -- a democrat? at 1.i was for hillary but i have changed my party. i'm for trump. host: line for democrats, scott,
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des moines. glad josh is here. i am 61 years old, lifelong democrat. i'm disabled. social security is my sole income. we were not having enough fun. the first thing the republican house did when they took power earlier this year was to set it up so that, run september or october of next year, people who are disabled will get a 20% decrease in their monthly benefit. the reason i bring this up -- bernie sanders i have been in favor of ever since he announced on doing what i -- i am doing what i can to support him. i think he will surprise a lot of people. the thing that a sounds me is the democratic party are talking about a plan b since secretary clinton is foundering.
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they talk about biden, they talk about gore, they are even talking about john kerry. the guy who is now beating hillary, i believe in new hampshire and iowa, is senator sanders. he is resonating with people. he is issue oriented. he is judgmental of dirty campaign. they have blinders on. that is a great question. it goes back to the previous caller as well. in new hampshire and iowa, nobody expected bernie sanders to be doing this while at this point in time. now, there is a very real chance that he could beat hillary .linton in either or both the big question is does he have activist feeling for the
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party. in iowa, you need to be able to organize for the union. bernie sanders is starting to reach out to those groups in a more aggressively than he did in the past. hillary clinton has a fundamental advantage among those constituencies. joe biden would have an advantage over bernie sanders going head to head among those constituencies. one iowa andders new hampshire, he would be the story. there would be real panic in the clinton campaign. i would certainly not rule him out primaries and caucuses. he is planning -- they are to have a game plan, the center's campaign, to focus on some of the other caucus states, colorado, state with a very college-age population. they are not just planning for new hampshire and iowa. makeup ofook at the the democratic electorate and a lot of states after those two states, it is a lot harder for bernie sanders to compete.


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